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Why is magnesium important for our body?

Why does our body need magnesium?

Interest in magnesium has increased dramatically in recent years. But what is magnesium really good for? Emil Olden - food agronomist and founder of BioSalma tells more about the mineral he extracts from the sea.

BioSalma founder Emil Olden

Magnesium is a mineral that controls several essential processes in the body. Among other things, it helps strengthen the immune system and helps maintain normal muscle activity . Magnesium is also important for the normal functioning of the nervous system .

Magnesium is naturally found in food . Dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, potatoes, fresh herbs and whole grain products (wholemeal bread and wholemeal pasta) are rich in magnesium. Most people get the recommended amount of magnesium from a balanced diet. Meanwhile, others need a little help.


It is almost impossible to overdose on magnesium

Measuring the amount of magnesium in the body is difficult, so it is not always easy to determine if it is deficient. Only 2% of magnesium is in the blood, and the rest is distributed in other tissues, such as bones . This may be one of the reasons why magnesium is considered a mineral that is rarely deficient.

"The body needs magnesium to support the immune system"

- Since magnesium is such an important mineral for many processes in the body, it is most important for the body to have magnesium in the blood . If you don't get magnesium from food, it is removed from your bones and other tissues. The body cannot accumulate a large amount of magnesium , so the body must be evenly supplied with this mineral. Magnesium overdose is practically impossible. If a person consumes too much of it, its excess is simply removed from the body , - says Emil Olden.


Marine origin

For BioSalma dietary supplements, sustainability is of utmost importance in the selection of raw materials and the process used in the preparation of the dietary supplements. When BioSalma decided to add magnesium capsules to its market, it was decided to make them from magnesium of marine origin .

Magnesium is a dissolved salt found naturally in the sea . However, this should not be confused with the saltiness that we feel after sipping sea water. When the mineral is extracted from seawater, it is passed through calcium oxide, which reacts with magnesium to form solid particles. Later, those particles are washed with fresh water and the result is magnesium powder, which is then used as a raw material for BioSalma tablets.

- Our idea has always been simple. For us, it was about creating an efficient and sustainable product. When magnesium is extracted from the sea in our unique way, we also preserve the other 72 micronutrients that help the body absorb magnesium . In addition, we added zinc , copper and vitamin B6 to the formula, - says Emil Olden.

He explains that this is because the minerals complement each other perfectly . If you are deficient in any mineral, the body tries to balance and absorb what you need.


Why is magnesium important?

The body needs magnesium to support the immune system and for strong bone structure . Magnesium also helps with normal cell division. Magnesium has also been found to help reduce fatigue , calm and relax, he says, continuing:

- The health benefits of magnesium are also similar to those of zinc, copper and vitamin B6, which we have included in our capsule. Zinc , vitamin B6 and copper help to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system . The mentioned minerals also help cells to divide, reduce fatigue and exhaustion.

Thus, vitamins and minerals balance magnesium well. We believe this is the strength of the product.


BioSalma Magnesium

BioSalma magnesium is very effective. Contains magnesium hydroxide and magnesium citrate. Magnesium hydroxide is of marine water origin, and its unique composition ensures a high concentration per tablet and good bioavailability.

Food supplements should not be used as an alternative to food.

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